You are here: 4. Point of Sale > 4.5. ORDER COMPLETION Menu > 4.5.1. Order Completion - Order Scheduler > Managing and Completing Orders > Order Details - Set Delivery Type
Order Details - Set Delivery Type

Follow this procedure when a customer has confirmed a change of delivery type.  You might do this, for example, if a customer asks the store to deliver an item but later decides to pick up the item from the store.

To set the new delivery type:

  1. Display the order you want to maintain on the Order Details screen.

Refer to "Managing and Completing Orders".

  1. In the Items fields at the top of the screen, select the item(s) you want to change the delivery type for.


Technical Tip

Use the Shift key to select several items in a row, or use the Ctrl key to select several items that are not sequential within the sales order.

  1. Select the Set Delivery Type button.

Micronet displays the Set Delivery Type screen.

  1. Select the appropriate button to set the delivery option:

Micronet updates the Del Type column in the Items fields at the top of the Order Details screen.

  1. Select Cancel to exit the Order Details screen and return to the Order Scheduler.